An Eye for an Eye would be a start

Does ABC News reporting on Palestine and Israel contain bias? Here is today's news:

There are fears that weapons from Libya, including sophisticated missiles that can shoot down aircraft, are being smuggled into Gaza to help arm militants there.
In recent weeks, dozens of rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza into Israel. One Israeli man has been killed, and retaliatory air strikes by Israeli warplanes have killed 11 Palestinians. 
Violence like this is hardly new; every few months on average there is a new round of tit for tat rocket fire and Israeli air strikes. Read the full story here

Or perhaps it could read like this?

There are fears that weapons from Israel, including sophisticated missiles that can shoot down aircraft, are being delivered into Israel from the United States to help arm militants there.
In recent weeks, dozens of rockets and mortars have been fired from Israeli warplanes into Gaza. 11 Palestinians have been killed, and one Israeli man.
Violence like this is hardly new, every few months on average there is a new round of tooth for eye rocket fire and Israeli air strikes.

Daily life in Hebron - October 2011


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